Welcome to a new series I am starting here on the blog.- The Friday 5! This is going to be a weekly, informal diary style post sharing decorating and lifestyle content. I used to do a similar style post called "What I'm Loving Lately" but fell out of the habit.
One of my goals for the new year was to carve out more time for creative activities that fill my soul. Writing blog posts and capturing photos is something I really enjoy, but it always seems to fall off the list. My word for the year is "Simplify" so in that spirit I decided to commit to writing a simple post once a week, sharing things that I find interesting from a lifestyle perspective. Technically I am posting this on Sunday not Friday, I didn't get the post done before having to leave with my daughter for a volleyball competition and I am wrapping this up from my hotel room in Seattle, WA! So without further ado, let's get to it, welcome to the first "Friday 5".
No. 1
50th Birthday Celebration
I had the honor and pleasure of hosting a 50th birthday celebration for a dear friend of mine. Jody and I lived in the same dorm in first year university, but on different floors. We actually didn't become friends until the year after we graduated but we have been in each others lives ever since - from marriage to babies to 50th birthday celebrations! Jody is am amazing friend, and an all around amazing human. She's a mom to two boys, a wife, has a successful Pilates studio, an online Pilates platform and a large instagram following. Yep, I'm one of her biggest fans! Check her out on instagram here.

Here are some photos of the fun evening we had, taken by one of our friends who just happens to be an amazing professional photographer- thanks for capturing all of these photos Kia! (I was busy sipping champagne and being hostess with the mostess so wasn't as diligent about snapping pics!)
Sick Doggies
A significant thing to mention is that my husband was out of town on a "Mancation" (thank you for that hilarious word Christine) so he was not in attendance at the party. About 3 hours after the last guest left the party at 1am, Ginger woke me up because she was sick. And so it began...first Ginger was super sick for a good 48 hours. Poor Girl

Then just as Ginger was recovering and starting to feel better, Lucy started throwing up. It was like they had some kind of Doggie Norwalk Virus.

She was sicker than Ginger, probably because she is older and smaller. I lost count of how many times she threw up, always on the carpet and never with any warning. I was very grateful for our washable rug - it cleans like a dream. This carpet cleaner also deserves an honorable mention. Luckily she is feeling much better, and we have to acknowledge her 12th birthday which was last weekend.

No. 3
Fitness Journey

I have been trying to make some small tweaks to my very inconsistent workout routine. Actually the problem is that I don't have a routine. So last weekend I made a plan to move my body every morning. I decided to commit to 30 minutes of walking wearing a weighted vest every day, or as much as possible. For example, as I mentioned I am currently in Seattle Washington with my daughter for a volleyball tournament and we have had two early mornings in a row that weren't conducive to walking. Yesterday I actually did my 30 minutes of weighted vest walking at Target! Shopping was literally my cardio, lol. Anyway, most days I can go for a 30 minute walk, so that feels like an achievable goal.  I shared about my weighted vest on Instagram and several people were curious. I purchased this 12 pound vest back in the Fall and it is an easy way to up my walking game. I honestly barely notice I am wearing it.
No. 4
Gallery Wall

I have a blank wall in our formal living room that is perfect for a gallery wall. I have been slowly collecting frames for this project, and finally decided on the prints that I want to use. I made a moodboard collage to see how everything works together and I am loving this grouping! I am most excited about this battery operated picture light. Here is a photo of my gallery wall laid out on the floor:

No. 5
Lazy Genius Podcast
To keep me entertained on my 30 minute walks, I either listen to music or a podcast. My favourite podcasts are:
Let's Talk off Camera with Kelly Rippa
The Office Ladies
The Holderness Family Podcast
and my newest obsession? The Lazy Genius podcast wit Kendra Adachi. It's like a self-help therapy session with your best friend all wrapped up into a tidy little podcast episode! She also has two books that I have put on hold at the library!
That's a Wrap
Okay friends, that's a wrap on my first "Friday Five" (posted on a Sunday but better late than never!) I hope you have enjoyed reading along! Want to get in touch? Email me at kerri@homestyled.ca or follow me over on the gram @homestyledbykerri.